Prevention of Sexual Harassment

You can view the policy document below, or download a PDF of it here: English

Svasti Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the workplace

1.1 Introduction

Svasti is an equal employment opportunity company and is committed to creating a healthy working environment that enables employees to work without fear of prejudice, Gender Bias and Sexual Harassment.

The Company also believes that all employees of the Company have the right to be treated with dignity.

Sexual harassment at the work place or other than the work place if involving employees is a grave offence and is therefore, punishable, both under the policies of the company as well as under applicable laws.

Svasti endeavors to ensure a Safe, Secure, Friendly and Healthy work environment so that employees can deliver their best without any kind of inhibition.

1.2 What is Sexual Harassment & Statement of Policy

Sexual harassment is a serious offence that can destroy human dignity and violates the right to gender equality. It is an act amounting to misconduct in employment.

1.2.1 Sexual harassment is unlawful. Svasti does not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Every volunteer, staff member and supervisor has a responsibility to ensure that sexual harassment does not occur.

1.2.2 Anyone found to have sexually harassed another person will be subject to disciplinary action that may include an apology, counseling, transfer of duties or dismissal.

1.2.3 Reports of sexual harassment will be treated promptly, seriously and confidentially. Complainants have the right to determine how a complaint will be treated. They also have the right to have a supporter or representative chosen by them involved in the process and the option to stop the process at any time.

1.2.4 The alleged harasser also has the right to have a supporter or representative chosen by them present when he/she responds to the allegations made.

1.2.5 No volunteer or paid staff member will be treated unfairly as a result of making a complaint of sexual harassment. Immediate disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who victimizes or retaliates against someone who has made a complaint of sexual harassment.

Svasti will follow natural justice to any person involved in a dispute.

1.3 Definition of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace has been defined as unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly.

1.3.1 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests or demand for sexual favours, either explicitly or implicitly, in return for employment, promotion, examination or evaluation of a person towards any company activity.
1.3.2 Unwelcome sexual advances involving verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct such as sexually coloured remarks, jokes, letters, phone calls, e-mail, gestures, showing of pornography, lurid stares, physical contact or molestation, sounds, display of pictures, signs, verbal or non-verbal communication which offends the individuals sensibilities and affect her/his performance;
1.3.3 Eve teasing, physical confinements against one’s will and like to intrude upon one’s Privacy;
1.3.4 Any unwelcome gesture by an employee having sexual overtones;
1.3.5 Gender based insults or sexist remarks;
1.3.6 Touching or brushing against any part of the body;
1.3.7 It could be directed at either males or females.
1.3.8 Any other act that may fall within the definition of sexual harassment under the applicable laws.

Svasti follows a zero-tolerance policy on such matters.

1.4 Internal Complaint

A volunteer or paid staff member who believes they have been harassed (the complainant) should:

1.4.1 If comfortable to do so, inform the alleged harasser the behaviour is offensive, unwelcome, against the organization’s policy and should stop the same immediately.
1.4.2 Make a note of the date, time and location of the incident/s.
1.4.3 If not comfortable to confront the alleged harasser or if unwelcome behaviour continues, report to the nominated sexual harassment committee contact.
1.4.4 If this is inappropriate, speak to another senior member of the organization, the head of the organization or a member of the board.

The sexual harassment contact will follow the procedures set out below.

At any time, the complainant has the right to discontinue this process.

1.5 Complaint Process

When a complaint is received, the sexual harassment contact will:

1.5.1 Obtain and record a full, step-by-step account of the incident/s.
1.5.2 Ensure the organization’s process for handling the complaint is understood.
1.5.3 Ascertain the complainant’s preferred outcome, e.g. an apology, the behaviour to cease, a change in working arrangements.
1.5.4 Agree on the next step: informal resolution or formal investigation.
1.5.5 Keep a confidential record of all details of this discussion and subsequent steps in the process.

1.6 Informal Resolution

Where a complainant has chosen informal resolution, following an informal process the sexual harassment contact will:

1.6.1 Inform the alleged harasser of the complaint and provide an opportunity to respond.
1.6.2 Ensure both parties understand their rights and responsibilities under the organization’s policy.
1.6.3 If possible, mediate an outcome that is satisfactory for the complainant.
1.6.4 Ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
1.6.5 Follow up to ensure the behaviour does not re-occur.

1.7 Sexual Harassment – Complaint Flow Chart

Process flow-chart for complaint handling under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PPR) Act, 2013.

Svasti Gender and Sexual Harassment Policy


Svasti has a Sexual Harassment Committee to take up and enquire against any sexual harassment and gender discrimination cases. Employees may call or email any one of the following Committee Member of the company to register a complaint under this policy.

The Committee Members are as follows:




Phone Number


Ms. Hemlata Dhumal (AVP, Svasti)



[email protected]

Ms. Minal Bavkar
(CDL Head, Svasti)

Committee Member



[email protected]

Mr. Narayan Bhaskar
(VP – HR, Svasti)

Committee Member


[email protected]

Ms. Sweta Narayanan
(External Person)

Committee Member



[email protected]